
Mart, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Filiz ARPACI /Sunar Nuri Çomu Anatolian High School

 My students made song activity they filled in the blanks of the songs.They  used liveworksheet web 2 tool.

Aslıhan Güneş-Yılmaz Kayalar Science High School

 March webinar on upcoming project activities.

Aslıhan Güneş-Yılmaz Kayalar Science High School

My international mixed team members prepared an English vocabulary game with Educandy. Here is the link: English vocabulary game with Educandy   .

Aslıhan Güneş-Yılmaz Kayalar Science High School

 My international mixed team prepared an English vocabulary game with Educandy.
You can see the details of our project activities by clicking the link below: Our project Padlet